Abram was questioning God on how he was going to be blessed by Him since he had no heirs. Our Lord said to him in Genesis 15:5 "Look at the sky and
count the stars, if you are able to count them." Then He said to him, "Your offspring will be that [numerous]." v6 Abram
believed God and it was credited unto him as righteousness.
My first assumtion is that Abram can count and secondly that it was night time. Yet the second assumtion would be incorrect, it must have been daytime for in verse 12 we find that later the sun was going down.
Abram had to look up at the sky and
believe the stars were there, even though he could not see then.
Has God shown you his faithfullness is the past, remind yourself of those times and
believe God to be faithfull always, even when you can't see it now.
May God's word strengthen your faith today!
In Christ,